Actual Problems of Politics 71/2023

Категория: Uncategorised
Опубликовано 19.05.2023 06:33
Автор: Super User
Просмотров: 1151

Current Problems of Politics 71/2023

Title page



Kormych L. I., Kormych A. I.
"State in a smartphone" as a trend of modern concepts of governance and democracy: political and legal practice of Ukraine

Voznenko L. V.
Theoretical principles of functioning of local self-government in Ukraine

Voitsekhivska D. Yu.
State policy concern of religious education of national minorities in the South of Ukraine in the XVIII – early XІX centuries

Kravchuk O. Yu., Matvienko L. V.
Prospects and ways of implementing the process of state decentralization

Kunytskyi M. P.
Democratic practices in Western and Eastern politics: a comparative analysis

Ruban A. О.
Consolidation of Ukrainian society as a significant factor in strengthening state sovereignty in conditions of the Russo-Ukrainian war

Stepanenko S. V.
Directions for improving customs control and movement of goods across the customs border of Ukraine

Shemchuk A. V.
Political and legal principles of ensuring political security of Ukraine


Bryniuk K. V.
The main forms of management communication in the authorities in order to comply with gender dimensions

Hryshchenko T. A., Ozherelieva D. P.
Challenges of the "post-truth" era as a catalyst of transformations in the political atmosphere of the USA

Zavhorodnya Yu. V.
Types of political conflicts in cyberspace

Karpushyna M. H., Veresha R. V., Chukmasova M. O.
Certain aspects of the international clinical protocol and responsibility of medical workers

Kosov O. V., Kormych L. I.
Swiss experience of the digital transformation of public administration (to smart government): improving the cooperation of authorities with the community

Kostiuchkov S. K.
Formation of the political brand of the territory by means of mass media in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war (on the example of the Kherson region)

Krasnopolska T. M., Myloserdna I. M.
Indigenous democracy: from conceptualization to institutionalization

Kresina I. O., Vitman K. M.
International legal bases of differentiated language policy in Europe

Kreitor A. V.
The role of elite consolidation in the process of democratic transit in Ukraine

Mamontova E. V.
Public analytics as a phenomenon of media discourse of the Russian-Ukrainian war

Silenko A. O., Zalevska I. I.
Socio-psychological factors of personality behavior in conditions of explosive danger

Sushko A. I., Prokhorenko А. M.
The main trends in the development of family and youth policy in Ukraine: current prospects and weeks


Dumchykov M. O.
Analysis of international regulatory acts in the field of establishing criminal liability for socially dangerous acts committed in cyberspace

Kokarcha Yu. A.
Transformation of information legislation of Ukraine in the process of integration into the EU

Lipkan V. A.
The geo-strategy of modern China: the case of Iran

Myronenko V. V.
Political properties of nuclear rocket programs as a form of regulation of international security relations

Sedliar Yu. O., Yaroshenko V. M.
Foreign policy of the states: theoretical aspects of the issue

Tsurkalenko Yu. V.
Police preventive measures: the need for their active implementation in the context of European integration and problems of implementation

Maneliuk Y. M., Chubur N. V.
The influence of globalization processes on the transformation of the nation state

Tarkin V. P.
Peculiarities of information warfare of the Russian Federation and Ukrainian resistance


Harbinska-Rudenko A. V., Maiboroda A. O., Kazimirova B. A.
Legal aspects of responsibility for violations of budget legislation

Daraganova N. V.
Administrative responsibility for violation of the requirements of labour protection legislation: ways of improvement

Mazurenko L. I.
Basic principles of state policy in the field of social protection of military personnel: regulatory and legal support

Uzhytchak A. Yu.
Сoncept, directions, tasks of criminal-legal policy of the state

Hovpun O. S., Opimah Yu.
Representation of the interests of a person who is on international wanted list